~ Mind Cafe 8 ~
Movie screening & Healing event
Documentary Film
“The Promise: Prenatal Memories of Children”
A documentary film produced, filmed, edited and directed by Norio Ogikubo.
Appearing in the film: Akira Ikegawa, Midori Minamiyama, Masayuki Ohkado,
Yumiko Tobitani, Chikako Kagami, and others
2013 / Japan / 114 minutes / color Copyright 2013: Norio Ogikubo
This documentary film explores the themes of prenatal memories, child-rearing, and the healing of our own inner children. “Prenatal memories” refers to the children’s recollections from the time that they were inside their mothers’ bodies as well as from an even earlier time. It is said that children are able to access such memories between the ages of around two and four.
Cast: Akira Ikekawa, Midori Minamiyama, Masayuki Ohkado, Yumiko Tobitani, Chikako Kagami,
Director: Norio Ogikubo
Producer: Norio Ogikubo
Japanese with English subtitle
Date: June 20, 2015 (Sat)
Place: Edgar Cayce’s Center of NY
241 W. 30th St. #102 (7 Ave)
New York, NY 10001
Time: 1pm-4pm
Fee: Advance ticket $18
(At the door $20)
(10min per person) limited to 3 people
12:45pm Door open
1:00pm Movie Start
2:45pm Jikiden Reiki Introduction
3:00pm Hypnosis “Inner Child” & “Past Life”
3:30pm Raffle (free entry)
*Please RSVP/purchase tix to secure seat. this event will fill up fast
Hosted by: ~ Mind Cafe 8 ~